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Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Who is RU Chhatra Shibir’s president?

The name of the current president of Rajshahi University unit Chhatra Shibir has came to light, amidst other leaders of the organistion at other universities.
He is Abdul Mohaimin, a 2016-17 session student of Islamic studies department of the university from Chapainawabganj. Currently he is pursuing MPhil in RU, reports a correspondent of the university.
This information has been confirmed by talking to various sources and several Chhatra Shibir activists for the past few days.
Mentionable, Bangladesh Islami Chhatrashibir RU unit has not been active in the campus politics for the last 15 years, but has continued their activities in secrecy.
After the fall of the Awami League government, the leaders and activists of the university branches have started coming forward one by one.
After Dhaka University, RU Chhatra Shibir’s president name came to the forefront.
